Saturday, March 10, 2007

I am amazed

Can I just tell you how amazing my son is???

Before I get into that, I will let you, who don't already, know what is going on...

Last Monday afternoon a member of our church was in a serious car accident. He was life-flighted to Mayo and is in a coma and on life support. There is minimal brain function at this point. To add to the trauma of this, my friend Lori (his wife) was following him and witnessed the whole thing and was obviously the first person on the scene. They have two sons who are 17 years old and 18 months old. My heart is just broken for them. Broken.

We got to know eachother through our Friday night home group/bible study that we have gone to for almost two years. We have all gotten so close through sharing our lives, growing in our faith, encouraging eachother through trials, and just sharing the intimacy that believers do by praying with and for eachother. So this is impacting all of us on a very personal level.

We went up to the hospital as a group on Tuesday evening, and I wasn't sure what to expect. They let all of us go in with Jeff, no restrictions, which I was a bit surprised at. I didn't expect to be allowed in to see him, we were going up there to support Lori and the boys, but we were able to see him and pray with him. Some were softly singing or reading scripture. I knew it would be emotional, and it was. But above all, there was such an incredible sense of God's presence there. It was overwhelmingly peaceful. That I did not expect. A combination of sorrow and hope and peace covered that room like a blanket. I can't say that I am surprised, because God IS that good. It is just awe inspiring to encounter the presence of God like that in the midst of such a tragic situation. It takes your breath away.

Lori was incredibly calm. I told her that we came to encourage her, and yet she was the one encouraging us! She said "that is how God wants it to be - that everyone who comes here be encouraged and blessed and leave with a measure more of faith than they came with."

There are no words.

So, as if that isn't amazing enough, I have to tell you what my son said. He got to know Jeff & Lori's older son Jeremiah from going on the men & boys retreat last year with them, and Nick really identified with him. He's a "cool" kid, plays guitar, so of course Nick looks up to him! So the other day Nick asked me who I thought this was harder on, Lori or Jeremiah. I said "Honey, it is hard on both of them. What do you think?" And that precious boy said this, "I think it is harder on Jeremiah. You can't replace his dad. If Jeff dies, Lori will be sad but she will be able to go on with her life. She will have memories but she will be able to have a new husband someday. Jeremiah only gets one dad."

Tear. I am utterly amazed at the sensitivity and insight he has...and he's nine.

We went up again last night, and sadly there is no change in Jeff's condition. But God is still there and we are praying for a miracle.

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