Sunday, April 29, 2018

Nice & Naughty: Skincare Edition

I haven't done a "Nice and Naughty" post for like eight years, so it's about time.  All the things on my previous lists still apply, and you can find them here and here

~ the Nice list ~

I've been on a quest to find the just right skin care products for basically my entire life.  The first time I ever used anything on my face besides regular soap and water was when I was in high school - I used Noxema.  Remember that? Horrible stuff.  I don't think they even make it anymore.  My skin did not like it.  It smelled gross and I continued to break out, but I was young and that's what my friends were using and friends were the only "google" we had back then so I didn't know any better.  In college, I discovered Clinique after stopping at their counter in Daytons (now Macy's) where my best friend Christine and I used to go to get our fix in the men's cologne dept. (and we were not shy about being obnoxious about it). Then there was a brief period in my 20's when I tried Mary Kay. It wasn't any better than Clinique for me honestly, so I eventually went back to Clinique. My skin improved quite a bit, but I continued to have dry spots and oily spots and would still break out - even well into my 40's and that's just about enough.  At the suggestion of my "all natural" sister-in-law Annett, about a year ago I started using Philosophy products and, well...I'm hooked!  I have had the best skin of my entire life.  Very little oil, no more dry spots, and no more breakouts.  OH happy day!  And happy face!  Here is my routine:

I start with Microdelivery Exfoliating Wash in the shower every morning.  It's really gritty and took a little getting used to.  In the evening I use Purity One-step Facial Cleanser before going to bed.  I'm not faithful about the latter, sometimes I'm tired and just use a washcloth, but I do use it most nights. Just one product to remove makeup and cleanse.  I like keeping it simple and then I'm more likely to do it.
This is the moisturizer I use every day.  I really like it.  It's not heavy at all, and isn't watery or greasy either.   I started with a different one by Philosophy, but that is on my naughty list now.  I'll explain why later.

Ok, this is one of the best skin products I have ever used.  I always used to think that specific moisturizers for around the eyes was just a gimmick, an unnecessary waste of money.....that is until I started getting some wrinkles and gave this a try.  It's amazing. The skin under my eyes is so soft now, and I'm choosing to believe that it's preventing wrinkles too.  (Please let me live in my world of delusion for a while anyway).

I still use some Clinique products, mostly makeup which I will probably blog about in another Nice and Naughty post because I know everyone who knows me is dying to know what makeup I use.  This is another product that I used to think was a gimmick...something that minimizes your pores?  Right.  Who needs that.  Apparently 48 year old Lisa does because this stuff has worked wonders at minimizing the pores on my nose and chin.  I'm a believer.

I have been using this moisturizer at night, only because I got a sample of it in my last Clinique "bonus time" giveaway bag.  (One reason I have always loved Clinique is when they have their "bonus time" twice a year where you get TONS of free stuff inside a cute makeup bag and a girl can never have enough cute makeup bags).  It's thick and creamy and feels really good on my skin.  And I don't wake up with a greasy face like I always used to. Philosophy also makes an anti-wrinkle "nighttime" moisturizer that is supposed to compliment the one I'm currently using during the day.  I'm thinking about giving that a try, but I'll wait until I can get a trial size of it.

~ the Naughty list ~

This looks like it would be wonderful, doesn't it?  Hope in a jar!  How could that be bad?  Well it's a good moisturizer but it's on my naughty list because it smells....HORRIBLE.  What in the world, Philosophy people?  I can't even explain what it smelled like...a very strong offensive soap crossed with old lady smell is all I can think of.  If it wasn't so expensive I would have thrown it out, but I stirred in some essential oils and made it tolerable enough to finish the jar.  Thankfully, the Miracle Worker stuff that I switched to has a pleasant smell. 

Last on my naughty list is this, which was part of my 3 step skin-care routine for years.  I'm not sure why they call it "lotion" because it is a liquid that you apply with a cotton ball after cleansing and before moisturizing.  It's for exfoliating.  But after using Philosophy, I have realized that this product was way too harsh on my skin.  It may have exfoliated well, but it is all chemicals and I have a feeling that because it was too harsh for me, it was causing all the problems I was using it to fix.  Hmmph.

So, that's my skincare routine!  Your life is complete now. I know there are less expensive products out there that probably would work well for me too, but once I find something that works for me I tend to stick with it.  I have nothing against cheap, trust me I go cheap on lots of things (hairspray, mousse, jewelry, thrift store clothes).  But there are some things I'm willing to spend a little more on... skincare products, shampoo/conditioner, shoes, and perfume.  About that, I've used the same perfume since 2004 and I know this because I remember exactly when I discovered it at the Celine Dion store in Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.  I walked around the entire day smelling my arm and saying "I'm in love with myself" all the day.   Just ask my sister. 

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