Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I think my head might asplode...

other than that, I'm fine.


Well, I think.

I just need a REALLY BIG calendar...maybe painted like a mural on the wall in that chalk board paint that I've heard about. I don't care if it's ugly. I just need to get organized. Organize what, you say? Oh not much, just this...

doctor appointments
dentist appointments
orthodontic appointments
second opinions
daily chores
school schedules
school supply shopping
school clothes shopping
shots for school
driving permits
sports sign ups
driving 5 kids back & forth to town for sports practices, work, youth group...
my sanity, which somehow gets lost in the shuffle
lunch money
after school child care
vet appointments
haircuts for the dog (really??? who in their right mind gets a dog that needs $35 haircuts???)
bill paying
meal cooking
grocery shopping
sanity finding
devotions with kids
worship practices
piano playing
photo taking
working full time
dating my husband
dating our kids
growing spiritually
bible study
getting healthy
living life!

I know this is not unusual, and most mom's lists look similar to mine. But as we are embarking on a new school year I'm feeling the pressure. I need a lot of prayer in order to pull this all off...with a joyful heart!

Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."


  1. I am just laughing that your title says that your head might ASplode. I now really want the definition. Hope you get through it all! Smiles.

  2. I love that your sanity, dating your husband, dating your kids, and growing spiritually are on the list :) It all gets done one way or the other.

  3. Good Morning Girlie, i say put'um all in a time out and You and Mr.Wonderful go have a coffee! :) no honestly step, one breath, one prayer at a time! love to you! enjoy TODAY..;)
